The shipment of the 1/48 Sea Hurricane Mk IIc model kit is fast approaching. We will start it right after Easter. The delay is due to the printing of decals, in which we made an important correction – at the last minute we found out that our boxart, white Hurricane “Nicki” did not have the emblem of a horse, but of a tiger!

This is a big revolution, because all previous kits from various producers (including our 1/72 model) had the wrong emblem! The correct one is confirmed both by the report of the pilot, Allen Burgham, which was provided to us through Troy Smith by pilot’s son, Ian Burgham, and by photos. There is no doubt about it!

Kot, a nie koń! Odkrycie last minute

Now let’s into the instructions for this very interesting model kit, containing great camouflage and markings and a lot of 3D printed resin 3D details!

Czy Hurricane IIc Army w 1/48 jest dobry? Recenzje modelu

Sea Hurricane Mk IIc w Bitwie o Atlantyk

Sea Hurricane w operacji Torch

Medal Promotion for 1/48 models

Today you can pre-order Sea Hurricane Mk IIc and other Hurricanes and PZL P.11c in 1/48 scale in the Medal Promotion with a large discount and in promotional bundles. The bigger the bundle, the bigger the discount!


Pre-ordered kits will be shipped after Easter Holidays.

See also:

Medalowy Hurricane 1/48 w morskiej wersji

Nity, śruby, dzusy – Hurricane pod mikroskopem

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