Today we present the instructions for the 1/48 Hurricane Mk IIb model kit (40007). This is a new kit that shares some of the sprues with our very popular and known for its excellent quality Hurricane Mk IIc, but has an entirely new wing armed with 12 machine guns and allows the model to be made in three different camouflages and markings!

Hurricane IIb were often used as fighter-bomber planes – they were then called “Hurribomber”. This is the aircraft we present on the boxart and, of course, the kit includes two bombs and appropriate racks. However, the kit also includes decals for a Hurricane day fighter (from the Polish No. 302 Squadron) and a night fighter painted all in black!

Nowy Hurricane IIB w skali 1/48 – trzy malowania

And now let’s look at the instructions!

Czy Hurricane Mk II Army w 1/48 jest dobry? Recenzje modelu

Mamy skrzydło do Hurricane Mk IIB w 1/48!

Nity, śruby, dzusy – Hurricane pod mikroskopem

Buy Hurricane kits online at!

See also:

Hurricane 1/48 z Arma Hobby – Wideo Recenzja Doogs Models

Hurricane Mk IIc trop – galeria – Mark Danko

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