Kris Sieber, excellent modeller and the Luftraum/72 blog Author built the Arma Hobby P-51 Mustang in a very unusual way – he has glued, painted, decaled and weathered the fuselage and wings separately BEFORE assembling these parts together! Why?
Kris’ experiment aroused a lot of interest on the facebook and many people were asking him why he did it this way. Kris decided to make a short video explaining his experiment! Watch the video!
Kris invites you to ask him questions on his facebook Luftraum/72 fanpage! You can also write your questions in the comments here under this post on out Blog, we will forward them to the Author.
See also:
- Buy P-51 Mustang™ model kits in the Arma Hobby webstore
Modeller, son and father of a modeller. Loves digging through references and analysing old photographs. He builds aircraft, ship and vehicle models, the older the better. He has a weakness for Polish equipment, but does not despise the RAF, FAA and Great War topics. A journalist by training.
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