It is second one Hurricane Mk I built by Thibault Choquart. This one with spectacular French roundes and Lorraine cross insignia. r Model Expert Set was built out of the box with use kit photoetched parts for superdetailing. See photos of built model and read comments on kit built and painting.!
For my second MkI in French markings (Groupe de Chasse 1 – “Alsace”), I choosed the Expert Set 70018 – I enjoyed it very much. The kit with its photoeched parts offers an impressive level of details second to none at this scale; Regarding the decoration, I tried to respect as much as possible the particularities of the real plane such as this very small “head of cat” on the noose, that has been painted with a brush “3 poils” as we say in French. These planes were second hand planes, and the British marking had been masked with fresh paint, supposed to be dark earth.
Models you would be interested:
See and buy Hurricane kits in Arma Hobby shop
- 70019 Hurricane Mk I Expert Set
- 70021 Hurricane Mk I Trop Model Kit
- Other one Hurricane kit built by Thibault Choquart
Hurricane I trop from 73 Squadron – Gallery – Thibault Choquart
Modeller happy enough to work in his hobby. Seems to be a quiet Aspie but you were warned. Enjoys talking about modelling, conspiracy theories, Grand Duchy of Lithuania and internet marketing. Co-founder of Arma Hobby. Builds and paints figurines, aeroplane and armour kits, mostly Polish subject and naval aviation.
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