Model PZL P.11c was released a month ago, and number of online reviews are available online now. We have prepared a list of in-box and built reviews written in English for your convenience. Check them now please!

In-box reviews of the PZL P.11c from Arma Hobby

Arma Hobby PZL P.11c – review by Mecenas on Aeroscale

PZl P.11c da Arma Hobby 1/72 Expert – por Augusto Versiani on IPMS Rio

PZl P.11c da Arma Hobby 1/72 Junior – por Augusto Versiani on IPMS Rio

Arma Hobby 1/72 PZL P.11c (70015) Review – video review by Viktor Mullin on DetailScaleView

Arma Hobby’s 1/72 scale PZL P.11c Expert Set – inbox review by Brett Green on Hyperscale

Built reviews of PZL P.11c model kit

PZL P.11c Junior Set – built “out of the box” – – Wojciech Bułhak

UWAGA! 1/72 PZL P.11c from Arma Hobby – build thread on Aeroscale by magnusf

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See also reviews published in Arma Hobby internet shop link. List of particular kit you will find at the end of description of each product in shop. See also PZL P.11c model kit – project summary

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