TS-11 Iskra 1/72 scale model kit mould in on test in our workshop. It is a good time to check quality of plastic parts on test shot sprues and their fit. Let’s look on model kit advantages and check if all is correct
Advantages of TS-11 Iskra from Arma Hobby 1/72 scale
I am building now second test shots of TS-11 Iskra kit “out of the box”. First what I can see is very well rendered airplane shape. Second advantage of kit are details, no empty spots, details are everywhere. Parts division is designed to make easy assembly and further superdetailing if you wish to make model even better. Wing is mounted to fuselage with imitation of spans that are visible in original airplane in wheel bays. Parts divison line is on edge of wing/fuselage fairings, so diorama with disassembled wings came so easy. Interior of wheel bays as well as underside of wing/fuselage fairings are well detailed and all of important parts are cleary visible. Small kit that has superdetailed look out of the box.
Cockpit interior is busy – no empty spots. Fuselage structure, ejection seats, control panels, control stick and pedals, cockpit tub and sidewall details, all are are very nice.
Optional parts such dropped flaps, weapon pylons, spent chutes box and fairing, camera fairing, are designed for easy assembly with position holes marked from underside of fuselage parts. Airbrakes are finely moulded on wing surface. They are easy to cut out and special bay in wing parts interior side is ready to assembly fotoetched airbrakes base. Airbrakes from photoetch may be assemble both open and close position.
Surface details are nicely scribed, especially airbrakes, small panels, hatches, hinges, etc.
What I can complain about
In his short article Piotr Dmitruk wrote that first test shots assembles like Tamigawa, and trailing edges of wings and tailplanes are sharp like razor blades. Such thin edges were problems during test shots (they are not realistic, on original plane they were thick!). Also problem were panel lines, to wide and irregular width.
Unfortynately correction work after first test shots made parts thicker. Result was lesser fit quality, especially wing halves and fuselage bulkhead. Problem is very easy to correct by routine modeler work, just sanding slightly join surfaces. It will be noted in instruction, but we are dissappointed. Also some position pins are missing as well as a few small detail panel lines.
Model builds straight forward, but modeler needs to keep in mind where to sand slightly more. Instruction will contain notes on assembly to build model without problem.
I need to express, that after first shock I felt a huge relief, that factors out of our control affects very slightly model kit buildability. But accuracy and level of details is very good.
Download TS-11 improvement scheme appendix 4MB
Model of the TS-11 Iskra in Arma Hobby klik
Modeller happy enough to work in his hobby. Seems to be a quiet Aspie but you were warned. Enjoys talking about modelling, conspiracy theories, Grand Duchy of Lithuania and internet marketing. Co-founder of Arma Hobby. Builds and paints figurines, aeroplane and armour kits, mostly Polish subject and naval aviation.
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