We are pleased to share with you the news that the P-51 B / C Mustang from Arma Hobby was awarded the Model of the Year 2022 medal (Modell des Jahres 2022) by the German magazine Modell Fan. It is the fifth medal we have received in recent years.

We want to thank the editors of Modell Fan and all fans of Arma Hobby kits for your support!


Arma Hobby na Targach Zabawek w Norymberdze 2020

Model F2F-1 z Attack Squadron nagrodzony przez Model Fana

F8F-1 Bearcat z Attack Squadron Modelem Roku 2015

See also:


  • P-51 B/C Mustang™ and other model kits in Arma Hobby shop link

P-51 B/C Mustang™ Expert Set – pierwszy sklejony model

Zaczęło się od małej książeczki… Moje przygody z Mustangiem

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