Our new P-51 B/C Mustang™ offers a variety of colours and markings. You can choose from Natural Metal finish, British or US camouflages. Let’s see what options are available out of the box.
P-51B-5-NA Mustang, 43-6315/AJ-A, “Ding Hao”, pilot: Maj. James H. Howard MH, 356th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, Boxted UK, April 1944. An early version of the aeroplane with Malcolm hood field modification. Standard USAAF Olive Drab/Neutral Grey camouflage with white recognition stripes on wings and horizontal tailplanes.
P-51C-11-NT Mustang, 44-10816/278, “Evalina”, pilot: 1st Lt. Oliver E. Strawbridge, 26th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, China, January 1945. The kit also includes Japanese markings of the captured aeroplane in 1945 (pilot Maj. Yasuhiko Kuroe). Aircraft with natural metal finish. Note radio rangefinder on the fuselage back. Read more in armastory.
Mustang III, KH516/WC-F, pilot: Kpt. Jerzy Mencel DFC, 309 Squadron Polish Air Force, shot down Me-262 jet fighter on April 9 1945. Late British version aeroplane with Malcolm hood, nose panel gills, vertical tailplane fillet. The British exhaust flash dumper sheet is removed. RAF Day Fighter camouflage scheme. Read more in armastory.
F-6C-1-NT Mustang, 42-03213/IX-H, ” ‘Azel”/”Boomerang”, 162nd Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 10th Photographic Group (Reconnaissance ), Chalgrove UK. Aeroplane piloted by 2nd Lt. Stanley F.H. Newman during D-Day preparations in Spring 1944. Aircraft with natural metal finish. Note lack of fuselage tank, but Malcolm hood and vertical tailplane fillet added. Factory assembled reconnaissance cameras. Read more in armastory.
Mustang III, FB244/CV-V, 3 Squadron RAAF, Fano in Italy, April 1944. Aeroplane flown by several pilots mainly in a ground support role. An early aeroplane without a fuselage tank; with repainted with RAF Day Fighter camouflage and southern cross markings.
P-51C-10-NT Mustang, 43-25045/C3-W, “Snookie”, pilot: Lt. Edward T. Pawlak, 382nd Fighter Squadron, 363rd Fighter Group, France, July 1944. Aeroplane with natural metal finish and Malcolm hood field modification. Distinctive D-Day stripes are painted on wings and fuselage.
FM-1 & FM-2 Wildcat Deluxe Set – Decals and Markings Options
Decals from the kit
See also:
- P-51 B/C Mustang™ Expert Set kit in Arma Hobby webstore link
Everything you wanted to know about Mustang™ from Arma Hobby and are not afraid to ask
Modeller happy enough to work in his hobby. Seems to be a quiet Aspie but you were warned. Enjoys talking about modelling, conspiracy theories, Grand Duchy of Lithuania and internet marketing. Co-founder of Arma Hobby. Builds and paints figurines, aeroplane and armour kits, mostly Polish subject and naval aviation.
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