We have a great pleasure to show you photos of F4F-4 Wildcat test shots. Finally, we have the kit almost ready for production. It is a great relief! Preorders with some early birds bonus have started in our shop.
Photos represents first test shot. They look excellent at this stage. In following days we will check accuracy and tools will be adjusted for production run.
- Note: “Size Matters”. Photos of 1/72 scale kit with in large magnification.
You can preorder kit with special deal packages including second set of plastic parts (“overtrees”) or other products at now. Kit contents enough decals to build two models, so hurry up before second sprues offer close on Monday, August 16.
- Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat® Expert Set and other model kits!
Modeller happy enough to work in his hobby. Seems to be a quiet Aspie but you were warned. Enjoys talking about modelling, conspiracy theories, Grand Duchy of Lithuania and internet marketing. Co-founder of Arma Hobby. Builds and paints figurines, aeroplane and armour kits, mostly Polish subject and naval aviation.
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