Lubomir Jarosz has built PZL P.11c Expert Set 1/48. Arma Hobby kit was upgraded with Master and BitsKrieg accessories. See photos and do not hesitate to share your comments.

It was pleasure to built this P-eleven. I stuffed it with all accessories already avaialable for the kit. 😀

PZL P.11c Expert Set 1/48 „Łaciata Trójka” – Krok po Kroku – Bartek Stawski

P.11c Expert Set 1/48 – Galeria – Łukasz Pieczonka

PZL P.11c – Galeria – Marcin Ciepierski

Przegląd akcesoriów do modelu P.11c w skali 1/48

Tablica przyrządów w modelu P.11c krok-po-kroku

See also:

Śmierć kapitana Laskowskiego

Recenzje modelu PZL P.11c Expert Set 1/48

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