Artur Oślizło has shared photos of his Hurricane Mk IIc in tropical version. Model was built out of the box with bombs from Mk IIb kit. See images of this awesome replica and share your opinion in comments!

The Hawker Hurricane is an airplane for which I feel a special fondness. It all started in the 1980s, when I became the happiest in the world owner of its Matchbox model. In anticipation of the 1:48 scale model of this aircraft announced by Arma Hoby, I decided to make a smaller miniature of aeroplane, encouraged by very good reviews of this model. The choice was my favorite version of the Mk.IIc, here used in an African desert with an enlarged tropical filter. The model shows a machine from the 1st SAAF Squadron stationed in Egypt. The model was painted with Gunze C series paints. I carefully made paintwork with the so-called “marbling” technique. The decals went great on a glossy varnish base and after securing with varnish them I made a gentle weathering, soots from the exhausts and gun barrels. Building this model was pure pleasure.

Stewart ”Bomb” Finney i jego Hurricane Mk.IIc

Hurricane IIc Trop – Galeria – Zbyszek Malicki

Hurricane IIb – Gallery – Libor Jekl

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