Another Hawker Hurricane kit which I finished a few days ago. This time it is Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc Trop. wearing markings of Lt Stewart Finney’s mount ZX-A „Oops”.  To build it, I used parts included In the Expert Set and decals from Model Kit tropical set.  The most important change was removing the outer pair of cannons. In a few photos, we can see that No 1 SAAF squadron Hurricanes Mk.IIc only had the inner ones.

To paint it I used Mr Hobby, Mr Paint and Tamiya lacquer and acrylic paints. For weathering, I used Tamiya Panel Liners and Ammo MiG Oil Brushers.

Arma Hobby’s Hurricane is a pretty little kit, and its designer included several solutions that make it easy to build.

Hurricane Mk I Głowackiego – Galeria – Dominik Sędziak

Stewart ”Bomb” Finney i jego Hurricane Mk.IIc

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Hurricane  Model Kits in Arma Hobby webstore

Hurricane IIc Trop – Galeria – Zbyszek Malicki

Joël Izard buduje Hurricane IIc – artykuł krok po kroku


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An enthusiast of air war during the Battle of Britain, over North Africa and Italy, over South East Asia and France in 1940. In free time builds models in 1/72 scale, and from time to time in 1/48 scale.

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