As usual model companies release new catalogues and announce news at the beginning of the New Year. Modelers discuss their opinions on modeling industry. They share excitations and disappointment with new announcements in forums and social media. What interesting from Arma Hobby may happen this year? Check it now!
Announcements from Arma Hobby for 2017 are divided in three categories: resin accessories, resin kits and plastic kits.
Resin Accessories from Attack Squadron
Resin Accessories – It is almost impossible to announce whole year plan of resin accessories. They are planed on monthly or quarterly basis. Following new sets from Attack Squadron: will be available in 1-2 months:
- Mosquito Tamiya 1/72 scale
- F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet 1/72 and 1/48 scale
- Polish F-16 upgrade
- More aircraft weapon sets
Resin Kits from Arma Hobby and Attack Squadron
Resin Kits – their release depends on accessories and plastic kits schedule
- Prototype of the PZL P.8/I, 1/72 scale
- Prototype of the PZL P.11 1/48scale
- Niespodzianka skali 1/48
- First prototype of the PZL P.1 1/48 scale
- New versions of F8F Bearcat EZ-set 1/72 scale (Attack Squadron)
- K-Max will return in 2017! (Attack Squadron)
Second prototype of PZL P.1 1/48 scale and Grumman F8F-2 1/72 scale kits are almost sold out. They will be offered with reduced price in about a week. Then we will remove them from our shop and from wholesale offer.
Plastic Kits from Arma Hobby
Plastic kit. It was already explained on our blog, that plastic model of the PZL P.7a 1/72 scale is delayed. It’s release was planned on Christmas but tooling is much more demanding (see there). Kit will be released as soon as tooling finished. Hopefully more information will be available at the end of January.
PZL P.7a 1/72 scale kit will be releases in our standard boxings:
- 70005 PZL P.7a Deluxe Set
- 70006 PZL P.7a Expert Set
- 70007 PZL P.7a Expert Set 1939
- 70008 PZL P.7a Junior Set
First came Deluxe Set, then first Expert Set together with Junior Set. At the end of Year second Expert Set with markings from September 1939 campaign.
In 2017 will be released next TS-11 Iskra Expert sets:
Kits will include photoetched parts for interior and resin upgrades for particular versions.
Next Plastic Kits from Arma Hobby
Probably most awaited information is list of new plastic kits planned for 2017. They are our priority projects for obvious reason. We are planning to release two next plastic kits in second part of this year. One medium size single engine aircraft and a small one are planned. Both of them in 1/72 scale. Within next one-two years we hope to release a four different airplanes yearly. Quite ambitious plan! Anyway it happened that from manufacturing small resin bombs we were able to climb to plastic kit manufacturing level in three years. So we believe we would be able to reach that target.
New kits will be announced in 2-3 months before release. We are not planning to play with number of future release announcement to stir the market. To often they are delayed or postponed then. Keeping promises is our goal.
Model kit suggestion
We are very grateful receiving feedback from modelers including next kit suggestions. Most of popular Polish or US Navy subjects are known to us very well and… most probably they are on our to do list. Please accept we will neither promise nor comment any model kit suggestions.
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Modeller happy enough to work in his hobby. Seems to be a quiet Aspie but you were warned. Enjoys talking about modelling, conspiracy theories, Grand Duchy of Lithuania and internet marketing. Co-founder of Arma Hobby. Builds and paints figurines, aeroplane and armour kits, mostly Polish subject and naval aviation.
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Another suggestion: Spitfire Vc/Xll. Two separate kits, but most of the parts will be the same!
Panowie życzę sukcesów rynkowych i satysfakcji w Nowym Roku 🙂
Z działu “Polskie”: Ten wyczekiwany Karaś, Łoś, Czapla…
Spitfire XI – model ładny ale lepiej byłoby lotki robić oddzielnie przyczepiane jak fabrycznie zalewać jako wychylone.
Nienaturalnie to wygląda dla mnie jako mechanika patrzącego na samoloty codziennie 🙂
Pomysł z konwersją na inne: PR.IX, PR.X jak najbardziej trafny 🙂
You ask for suggestions!
All in 1/72
– Wingfold for F4U Corsair (Tamiya)
– Wingfold for TBM\TBF Avenger (Hasegawa)
– Complete kit Sea Fury (with wingfold)
Thank you very much. Most happy with both answers!
Will the Spitfire X be a conversion on a complete kit?
A Happy and Successful 2107 to yourself and all at Attack Squadron
Could you please be more specific on ‘Mosquito Tamiya 1/72 Scale’.
Suggestion: Spitfire X, either conversion from your Spitfire Xl or separate kit.
There are resin wheel sets and two stage Merlin engine conversion. You can use them for B/PR XVI and later ersions. Spitfire PR X, is planned for future.
Two stage Merlins poprosimy w 48!!
Here are Mossie sets listed: Mosquito accessories in Arma Hobby shop.