Today we’re going into detail: with every Curtiss H-75 A1/A2 kit, we’re adding, free of charge, a file from which you can print yourself high-quality resin details to enhance your model. Let’s take a look at what’s included.
These are parts that are impossible to make in this quality with plastic injection moulding technology. Hollow exhaust tubes, seat with armour plate, headrest and belts, gun sights, rifle barrels with perforated covers… A very detailed, quite large set!
File with details for self 3D printing
Anyone purchasing a Curtiss H-75 A1/A2 kit will find a link and QR code in the model’s instructions to download a free 3D file allowing them to print a set of extra details themselves. These parts were designed with the actual model kit, fit perfectly, ‘plug-and-play’ and require no modifications, replacing the plastic parts. You can print them yourself, on a friend’s printer, at a modelling club, or order a commercial printing service (more and more such services are being advertised on the internet).
3D file includes:
Bulkhead with seat and seatbelts
Instrument panel with rudder pedals
Exhaust tubes with covers
Gun barrels
Reflector gunsight
Ring and bead gunsight
Ready 3D printed details only in Promotional Preorder!
If you don’t have access to 3D printing, until the end of March you can also get ready-made prints for just 4,55 Euro by ordering them along with your model in the Promotional Pre-Order – in the purchase options on the product page, simply tick ‘Additions: 3D Printing’. This is a very good price for such a large set of prints, usually manufacturers sell one 3D detail for this price (or even higher) – here you get the whole set! Don’t miss this opportunity, the promotion only lasts until the end of the month. After the end of the promotion the ready-made prints will no longer be available!
The prints are made of grey resin, which photographs very poorly, so they were primed for photography with black Mr Surfacer.
- Order Curtiss H-75 A1/A2 kit with extras on the promotional pre-sale!
Only until the end of the promotional pre-order can you order Curtiss with additional sprues (‘overtrees’) and 3D-printed details. Don’t miss this opportunity! The kit decals allow you to make two complete models!
Check also:
Modeller, son and father of a modeller. Loves digging through references and analysing old photographs. He builds aircraft, ship and vehicle models, the older the better. He has a weakness for Polish equipment, but does not despise the RAF, FAA and Great War topics. A journalist by training.
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