Assembly and travel jigs – developed specifically for particular models – are a brand new idea of modelling accessories. What are these?

Jig 3D – for assembly and travel!

A few weeks ago we introduced a prototype of a new product – a assembly and travel model jig, printed on a filament 3D printer. The jigs are precisely tailored to specific model kits – first it was a 1/72 scale Ki-43 Hayabusa, then the Airacobra, now joined by the Yak-1b.

The jig facilitates the construction of the model, aligning its components (e.g. the landing gear) and protecting them from damage during assembly and painting. Special notches allow the model to be fixed with rubber bands. Another important function of the jig is to secure the model for travel – to a club meeting or a contest – simply attach the model to the jig with rubber bands, and stick the jig to the bottom of the box with double-sided tape.

Ki-43 Hayabusa

We sent the prototype to several modellers for testing. Luftraum/72 from Canada has already tried it out and posted pictures and a comment on his Facebook profile:

‘I’m immediately liking the jig to simply keep the aircraft secure on, and moreso off, the bench without worrying about whacking one of the gear legs off. Calling this idea a winner. ’


Zbyszek Malicki tried out the jig for his Airacobra model. It helped him not only in positioning the undercarriage and protecting it from damage while painting the model, but also later when he brought the finished model to the Arma Hobby office for a photo shoot and then to the IPMS Warsaw meeting.


The latest jig is for the Yak-1b. It is a complete novelty, being sold for the first time at the Farewell Promotion of Yak kits, of which the stock is just about to run out. This jig was the first to be tested by its designer, Marcin Ciepierski.

Farewell Promotion for Yak-1b

An important announcement! The stock of 1/72 Yak-1b kits is running out and we will not relaunch production for quite some time: all our efforts are now focused on preparing new kits. Only the last boxes are already available in our shop. The good news, however, is that for one week we are doing a Farewell Promotion on Yaks with cool extras in 3D printing and a 40% discount on the second 1/72 kit!

In the Farewell Promotion, you can order a Yak kits with jigs and 3D-printed details, or with just the details or the base alone.

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Modeller, son and father of a modeller. Loves digging through references and analysing old photographs. He builds aircraft, ship and vehicle models, the older the better. He has a weakness for Polish equipment, but does not despise the RAF, FAA and Great War topics. A journalist by training.

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