When I got home on December 17th, I found a FedEx box from Poland. Yes, it was full of test shots of the new 1/72 Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa sent to me by the special kindness of Arma Hobby (I’m very grateful). When I opened the box, I found several test shot sprues from different periods of kit development. Also inside were the kit box, instructions, decals, and self-adhesive masks.
It is important to remark, that I created the original drawings on which this kit is based. The same goes for the company’s 1/72 Hayate. Because of my connection with Hayate, I have been involved in the Arma Hobby Hayabusa kit project from the beginning of its development, supervising its design.
Nakajima Ki43-II Army type I fighter Hayabusa II late production model, Akeno hiko-gakko (Akeno flying school), winter of 1943-44
The kit represents two versions of the Ki-43 II Hayabusa: the mid-model (early late model) with a redesigned rounded cowling and the late model (late late model) with a thrust-type single exhaust tube. The external shape and dimensions are exactly as my drawings. That means it is the world’s first Hayabusa II kit with the correct external shape.
So, the conclusion is: “you have to buy it”.
Building of the model
I already knew from previous conversations that the kit’s contents were wonderful, but when I actually held it in my hands, I was even more impressed. I had to build this right away. I was able to make the first finished model of the Arma Hobby Hayabusa in the world, excluding those built by the Arma crew!
The kit is well made, so the construction progressed smoothly. It would be boring to complete it ‘straight-from-the-box,’ so I decided to add some fun and do some additional work, riveting the surfaces. Additionally, I decided to create some optional 3D printed engine cowls for different versions. I also made the engine cowling of the same version as the kit box one, but with closed cooling flaps. The engines are attached to the fuselage with neodymium magnets, so I can change them freely.
Painting and markings
In that case, I have chosen to paint the Hayabusa in silver (aluminium). I think the dark green spotted pattern on a silver background suits the Ki-43 II-type best, but I did that with the previous Hasegawa kit.
I thought my 1/72 Arma Hobby Hayate model I built previously had a heavy silver colour that lacked the Japanese aircraft feel, so this time I aimed for a whiter silver. As a result, Hayabusa is whiter than the Hayate, but not by much.
This aircraft belonged to Akeno Flying School. It is unpainted silver (aluminium), has no white stripes. Akeno’s Hayabusa has the aircraft number (the last two digits of the serial number) written in Chinese numerals above the unit markings on the rudder. However, it is too small to read in the photo of the actual plane I have. So on my model I have used fictional number. I thought the number colour maybe black, but I thought it maybe red as well, so I made it red. Well, I don’t know the correct answer.
That’s it. It took 27 days to build. I had planned to finish it in about half a month, but with unnecessary additional work (riveting and nose replacement), it took twice as long as planned. The kit itself doesn’t require any extra work, so I rushed and managed to finish it before the release.
The Silver Hayabusa is cool, isn’t it?
“Wings of Pegasus” Blog
See more about Jumpei Temma’s Arma Hobby Ki-43 II Hayabusa build on his Blog “Wings of Pegasus”, where you can read his comments, see more photos and very precise and accurate scale drawings of the aeroplane, created with great care by Jumpei himself: https://soyuyo.main.jp/ki43arma/ki43a.html The original text on the Blog is in Japanese, but you can use automated translation (eg. Google Chrome browser), which, with some reservations, gives understandable results.
Check also:
- Buy 1/72 Ki-43 Hayabusa kit online at Armahobby.com!
Ki-43 II Hayabusa w skali 1/72 – zawartość pudełka modelu 70078
Ki-43 Hayabusa – modele z wyprasek testowych – Wojtek Bułhak
Japanese Master Modeller, Author of the 'Wings of Pegasus' Modelling Blog and the top quality modelling scale drawings based on his own thorough research of documents and photographs.
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Hi, very nice rendering of this so beautiful IJA plane ! love the rendering , bravo !!
you made a point post the various cowlings for the Ki-43 II and III a dream for me no change to built and print it by myself :-(( do you intend to sale these cowling by any chance ? ( pleeaassse ! :-))) ( even in Japan ???) anyway great job again thanks a lot for posting it 8 Cheers