Look at Ralph Koziarski’s photos of his “My Pal Snookie” P-51C Mustang model in 1/72!

Ralph wrote:

Here is my presentation of Arma Hobby’s little gem of a kit. Releasing a 1/72 B/C Mustang was inspired and long overdo. It helps that the kit is beautifully tooled and builds up without any real problems.

The Expert Set I worked with includes a small sheet of PE details and a nice variety of markings options. I chose to build a P-51C of the 382nd Fighter Squadron, which escorted troop-carrying gliders over Normandy on D-Day.

The metallic finish is Mr. Color paints. All other painting, including striping is painted using Tamiya. I didn’t really weather this model, to showcase it’s jewel like quality.

Medal Modell des Jahres 2022 dla Arma Hobby

Brett Green rozpakowuje pudełko P-51 B/C Mustang™ Expert Set

See also:

  • P-51 Mustang™ model kits in Arma Hobby webstore: link

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