Hurricane Mk I Expert set model kit contains additional accessories for upgrading plastic parts: photo-etched parts sheet and canopy masks. Today we start to look closer at the model. And the accessories included are presented first.

kalkomania Hurricane


The instrument panel and decal

The decal contains four markings options that will be discussed one after another in the next articles on our blog. Decal is mentioned today, because it is an essential addition to the photoetched parts of the instrument panel.

Two decals from this sheet are needed to finish it.

  • The first one is with instrument “clocks”  (#54), printed without a black background. We recommend to glue it on a black plastic plate.
  • Next, the photoetched instrument board (#5 and #1), preferably painted in a very dark grey semi-matt colour should be applied to the “clocks” decal. Best is to glue them with clear varnish (acrylic, so that it does not dissolve the decal).
  • Then place the second decal (#55) on the instrument panel plate.

The contrast between the black, glossy surface of the clocks and the semi-matte lighter shade surface of the board will give it an extra depth. The decal itself has a better representation of the clocks than the film.

Hurricane photoetched set zegary hurricane

Details of the Expert Set photoetched sheet

1 and 5 control panel

2 spotlights

3 compass

4 oil separator behind the propeller

6 floor of the chassis recess

7 cooler

8 fire shields from exhaust pipes

9, 10, 12 belts

11 basis of the compass

13 left console

14 details on the frame

15 T-bar pedals

16 chair lever

17 step on the fuselage side

18 map case

19 knob

20 details on the frame

21 detail on the right wall

22 antenna detail

23 detail on the left wall

24 cab handles

25 T-bar knob

26 detail on the left wall

27, 28, 29 left wall

30 intake screen for the carburettor

31, 32 walls

33 vents

34 mirror

35 gas levers


Hurricane model kits with photoetched parts


See the Hurricane model kits in the Arma Hobby store

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