As many of our readers we can not wait to release of the PZL P11c model kit. Today early test shots photos are presented. Not all parts are well casted well, mould needed some adjustments after test shots. Some very nice features are clearly visible and you can see model kit advantages yourself.

I especially like thin trailing edges, very good panel lines and corrugated panels on wings and tail planes.


Building P.11c kit from test shots

I have test-assembled model kit to check general fit of parts. I’ve found one fit problem at undercarriage legs where wheel leg supports makes troubles. Everybody can fix it in seconds with hobby knife by cutting support. Correction scheme will be included with kit.

General model kit parts fit is very good. Assembly is straight forward, just one evening to be ready to paint.

Your comments are welcome. Please ask if you have any questions of just share your opinion below.

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