There are eight markings options in PZL P.7a Deluxe set. Four of them are wartime, and four are from pre-war period. Each of them is described including historical background details. See them all and comment post.
PZL P.7a colours choice
Selection of PZL P.7a markings for four different kit boxes was not an easy task. We have researched for interesting and well documented airplanes in available books and magazines. Not all markings are known, especially under wing recognition codes (regimental letter + two-three didigts numbers). So if digit codes weren’t possible to find, we have included in decals regiment codes only.
See PZL P.7a colours and markings
Recomended publications
Here is list of recommended readings. Abbreviations in bold are used in profile description.
- AJP2 – Monografie Lotnicze 73, “PZL P.7a cz.2”, Tomasz J. Kopański, AJ Press 2001
- MMP – “Polish Fighters Colours 1939-1947 vol. 1” – rozdział “PZL P.7a”, Tomasz J. Kopański i Artur Juszczak, MMP 2016
- MR – Mini Replika 78, “PZL P.7a – Malowanie i oznakowanie”, Krzysztof Sikora
- PW – Polish Wings 3, “PWS-10, Avia BH-33, PZL P.7a”, Bartłomiej Belcarz i Tomasz J. Kopański,Stratus 2009
- PKL – “Polskie Konstrukcje Lotnicze Tom IV cz. 3 w Rumunii 1933 – 1946”, Dan Antoniu, Stratus 2014
Colour profiles of PZL P.7a
PZL P.7a serial number 6.30, “white 3” from 123. Fighter Squadron from Cracow. For participation of Regiment in P.7a airplane testing the new 123. Squadron has been granted right to use the PZL factory symbol as a unit marking. In 1939 the squadron became part of the Warsaw Pursuit Brigade. On September 1 the unit took part in defence of Warsaw against German raids. On afternoon that day squadron commander Capt. Mieczysław Olszewski has fought against Messerschmitts and died in this aircraft near Białołęka.
Photos and colour profile in MMP p. 42
PZL P.7a, serial number 6.125, “blue 5” from 162. Fighter Squadron from Lwów. In 1939 the unit was assigned to Army “Łódź” and relocated to Widzew airfield. In September 1939 the airplane took part in air combat and has been damaged. Partially dismantled airframe has been transported towed by a truck and was lost during attack of German saboteurs on September 6 night. Well-known photo of the fuselage abandoned near destroyed truck is a great inspiration for diorama-builders.
Photos and colour profile in MMP p. 44
PZL P.7a, “white 13” from the Scoala de Perfectionare (Advanced Flying School), Romanian Air Force marking from November 1940. Aircraft initially from Polish 123. Squadron, serial number 6.112, evacuated to Romania by Cpl. pilot Eugeniusz Nowakiewicz after September 17, 1939, has been used as a trainer by Romanians till March 9, 1943 when it was destroyed in a crash.
Note: Polish asymmetrical insignia and under-wing codes overpainted with paler shade.
Photos in PKL pp 22-23 PZL P.7a (serial unknown) was one of the machines captured by the Germans in Dęblin Air Force Training Centre. Plane has been repainted in Luftwaffe colours and used for training. There are two variants of known marking: with white and green spinner.
Photos and colour profile in PW p. 56 PZL P.7a, “white 9” from 132. Fighter Squadron from Poznań. Serial unknown. Special temporary markings for the mid-30’s military excercise applied with white-wash paint.
Photos and colour profile in PW p. 49 PZL P.7a with white and red stripes on the wings and tail – marking of the commander of Toruń III/4 Fighter Wing Capt. pil. Leopold Pamuła. On the fuselage marking of the 141. Fighter Squadron, which Pamuła commanded before promotion for the Wing command. Underwing tactical code “T 31” in black, fuselage code “31” in white. Toruń, mid-‘30s. It is probable that the same airplane is known from other photos, with temporary white zig-zag markings applied for army excercise.
Photo in AJP2 p. 12, see also other airplanes from Regiment in AJP2 pp 16-17 and colour profiles in PW p. 45
PZL P.7a, “white 7” from 122. Fighter Squadron, Cracow. Markings from 1933-36 period. On this plane Cpl. pil. Karol Pniak took part in an impressive in flight photo session and many air shows.
Karol Pniak with Jerzy Bajan and Stanisław Macek were at that time top Polish and world-famous aerobatic pilots forming the team known as “Bajan Trio”
Photos and colour profile in PW p. 40
PZL P.7a, serial number 6.60, “white 9” from Kościuszko 111. Fighter Squadron, Warsaw 1933-35. Elite Kościuszko Squadron was one of the first units armed with PZL P.7a planes. This airplane had been damaged in 1935 due to engine malfunction during take-off, after repair has been relegated to training duty, first to Grudziądz, then in 1939 to Ułęż Advanced Flying School. Might have been used there in September 1939 fights as a part of the improvised flight organised by the School instructors.
Photos and colour profile in MMP p. 48, discussion on tailplane colours in MR p. 26
See PZL P.7a Deluxe set 1/72 in Arma Hobby internet shop
Modeller, son and father of a modeller. Loves digging through references and analysing old photographs. He builds aircraft, ship and vehicle models, the older the better. He has a weakness for Polish equipment, but does not despise the RAF, FAA and Great War topics. A journalist by training.
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